Thursday, August 6, 2009

Train Them Young

Brandon has been working four tens this week. When he works a normal schedule, most of us are up and about when he leaves. This morning I rolled out of bed at 9:15. Very unusual due to the fact that I have four kids with the youngest being 13 months. Well, I think I have found the answer to sleeping in!
Today I woke up hearing Reagan go into Gracie's room. This normally makes me furious, because she is normally waking up her baby sister. So I hear Reagan say, "What cha watching Gracie?"
Yes, we have tv in Gracie's room. I have always had a tv in my babies rooms to help keep me awake during those late night feedings. (and to entertain me all the other feedings and rocking to sleep) No, the tv was not left on after she went to bed last night. Gracie had taken the remote (which we commonly sit just between the slits of her crib, next to the rocker) and turned on the tv. I'm pretty sure she just pushed buttons until it turned on....I hope she doesn't already know which button to push!!!
"Ohhh, are you wachin a baby show?" Reagan delightfully squills.
At this point I quickly rolled over and grabbed the phone. I told Brandon the story and we both just started laughing... hard! I quickly ran to the bathroom, like I said I hadn't yet been out of bed, and then walked into Gracie's bedroom. Just like I had heard from the other room, the tv was on and it was on channel 7. A PBS kid show was on. Brandon is pretty sure he turned the tv off on channel 4 last night, so Gracie must have pushed buttons until she found something she liked. So now we are trying to figure out if we have trained her way to young and we have a huge problem on our hands, if she just completely lucked out (the most obvious choice), or if she is quite simply a genius baby. One thing is for sure, if it means I get to sleep in I don't think I mind!

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