Thursday, August 13, 2009


Last night I was riding in a car with two friends. The conversation ranged from blood type to scouts. The friend in the back informed us that she thinks she is getting a canker sore. We discussed how yucky they are, my favorite canker medicine, her father-in-law's theory on cankers, how I haven't had one for quite a while and how one of us mostly got cankers from her braces. So, guess what! Yup, you guessed it, I feel like I am getting not one, but two cankers. And no, we didn't share a drink or anything else!!! I think I am just psychotic!!!!


Lisa said...

hahahahahahahaha. Glad to know I'm not the only one in pain now. Sorry for bringing it up!

Chester Copperpot said...

You kissed her, didn't you?

The Shill Spill said...

Sorry Juli! I hate that you feel awful! Maybe the ones I did get weren't really cankers! :) In fact, I am pretty sure I have no idea what they feel like! LOL! Please forgive me!