Thursday, August 7, 2008


I am a self-admitted game show junkie. One of my childhood dreams that I still cling onto is going to a taping of "The Price Is Right", Bob Barker or not. Well, the past day or so I have been watching way to much TV, due to my baby who is DEMANDING to be held ALOT. Anyway, I was watching "Wheel of Fortune" last night, and here is the bonus round.
Proper Noun RSTLN E CMP I
_ T _ _
_ _ _ _
Before the contestant even chose here extra letters, I turned to Brandon and gave him the correct answer. He was floored. So now I am wondering either where I sign up or where I claim my prize. Let's see how good any of you are. Any guesses???? Carl and Jenna, you are out of the running do to the fact that I already told Carl. Good Luck!!!


Gilbert Family said...

do we get to know the catagory?

pfabulouspfun-der said...

the catagory given was proper noun

Gilbert Family said...

Duh...I should have read it a little closer! I am STILL thinking about it!

The Shill Spill said...

Ummmmm....yah! I have absolutely no idea! I do want to know what the answer is though!

~Jeneece said...

maybe we should set up a game night for Enrichment...
...and brandon is such a lucky man to have found such a talented woman ;)

Chester Copperpot said...

I am the smartest man alive!!!!

I would have asked for an "h", and a "z". Those people on Wheel of Fortune are tools.

Karin said...

Oh, I know, I know is it...

Utah Jazz???

No wonder you got it so quick (in addition to the fact that you're obviously more intelligent than the average Wheel of Fortune player)

Kelly said...

I'm a little embarrassed that I know this, but you can sign up on their website. I'm so glad I'm not the only young person watching my grandma's favorite show!